Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Kuleshov effect

early versions- who knows which was the original! Hitchcock talks about it:

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Three video tasks


 David Buckingham's site  https://davidbuckingham.net/

Cary Bazalgette's site: http://carybazalgette.net/

Echo by Lewis Arnold

Charlie says also by Lewis Arnold

The music videos I have been showing can all be found here:


Every noise at once  music genre map

Mark Reid's resources: https://markreid1895.wordpress.com/

other videos: Risk assessment gone wrong...http://dogusasmedia1886.weebly.com/
Beyonce re-make: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0s_nCDk2XQ&feature=player_embedded
Kissed a boy (read the comments!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oi4yKFOLcg
Exploding teacher heads video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1naenkQays&index=1&list=PL807FFF389C0C67BE

The Ellington Kid short film https://vimeo.com/60639863

Dave Harrison sent this link to the Charlie Brooker programme on video games:

 Short film OVER: https://www.shortoftheweek.com/2016/04/16/over/

loads of great short films: https://www.shortoftheweek.com/

Radio blog with some great resources: http://radioproductionunit50.blogspot.co.uk/

Monday, 3 October 2016

Moderation activity for Tuesday

Benchmark blogs

Joe scored 15 for research and planning, 51 for construction, 15 for evaluation
Charlotte scored 15 for research and planning, 45 for construction, 15 for evaluation

Your centre to moderate

You task is to look at the five candidates, whose coversheets you have been given, who have done a mix of film openings and magazines. You need to look at the cover sheet with marks and teacher comments, look at the work on the blogs, look at the grids for marking and at the coursework tasks sheet  as well as checking back against the benchmark blogs for the standard. You then need to come to judgments about whether the centre is too harsh, too generous or about right and make a recommendation. You should also produce a set of bullet points for a report to the centre, which may include recommendations for improvements in the future.

As moderators, you are looking for overall trends, rather than re-marking every candidate. You cannot change rank order, so you may need to 'smooth over' any discrepancies there. You can scale the marks by different amounts at different mark points, so long as it does not affect rank order.

Each group will be asked to report back at the end of the morning with their findings.

Lorenza and Richard flipbooks


disaster (warda and kris, animation)