Wednesday 14 September 2016

Aimee's Random Creativity Lesson Reflection

The aim of our lesson was to create an album cover using photoshop through random creativity. 

For our lesson, we planned on looking at the conventions of an album cover, followed by a tutorial on the basic elements of photoshop which would lead to completing the task on photoshop. 

I think the practical task itself went well, walking around the class, everyone seemed to be having fun and engaging with what they were creating. It was interesting to see everyone get stuck in with the task and not being afraid of asking for help. 

Unfortunately, we had some technical difficulties which is always a worry but thankfully we thought ahead and created the step by step worksheets so that the class had a starting point that we could elaborate on in the practical task. I think I would have done a more comprehensive introduction to Photoshop by going over the tools one by one on the screen before hand. I think I would also talk a bit more about Random Creativity as I don’t really think we covered that and the implications of that. I would probably use a starter activity about the exquisite corpse and get groups to create a corpse on paper to see how collaboration works. I also feel that we could have elaborated more on our introduction to album covers. 

I think that people learnt in this lesson that sometimes working with materials you wouldn’t necessary pick for yourself can open up and free your mind to more creative and experimental thinking in your pieces. I also think that people learnt, developed or refreshed their knowledge of basic photoshop skills. From this lesson, I learned that I do know more about photoshop that I realised and the importance of having a coherent and well-structured lesson plan. Technical difficulties happen and the best thing is not to panic and to make sure you have a backup plan just in case. 

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