Monday 19 September 2016

Title and transition reflections-Daniel

The aims of the lesson were twofold. To enhance students’ premier pro skills and to help them gain a stronger understanding of film grammar by constructing a film opening, choosing genre and music themselves.

We planned to introduce the topic with a video (the opening credits from Skyfall) that exemplified a range of title techniques. We would then show a video tutorial before setting the task. 

The video example was helpful as it clearly showed what could be done. I am happy with the content of the demonstrative video.  I had not considered that the video would look blurry on the larger screen and the inability to see small icons lead to some confusion that could have been solved by cropping and then resizing parts of the image to accommodate for that.
I also feel I may have caused some confusion with my verbal part of the demonstration by not being explicit enough about the required steps. 

It would have been interesting to take a longer look at pre-existing opening credits from multiple genres and have a discussion about them before announcing the groups as most people picked the same genre/sub-genre for their opening credits. Making a step by step worksheet clearly showing which menus to use in premier would have been useful.

All students constructed coherent film openings and many learnt or refreshed their knowledge on how to use titles.

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